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Barbara Davis

Average Rating3.70
(based on 58 reviews)

I am a High School World Language Teacher of Spanish, French, ESL and Bi-lingual education with 25 years of experience teaching all levels K-University level language classes. I love teaching and always ask for new responsibilities to broaden my knowledge. I am a documentary buff so I also write movie guides on a variety of Social Studies and Health related topics in addition to World Languages. I am excited to be able to share lessons with others and welcome your feedback.




I am a High School World Language Teacher of Spanish, French, ESL and Bi-lingual education with 25 years of experience teaching all levels K-University level language classes. I love teaching and always ask for new responsibilities to broaden my knowledge. I am a documentary buff so I also write movie guides on a variety of Social Studies and Health related topics in addition to World Languages. I am excited to be able to share lessons with others and welcome your feedback.


40 point quiz on positive and negative commands in all forms focusing on basic conjugation of regular and irregular verbs in command forms. Answer key is included.
¿Qué hora es?  Six rounds of puzzles for practice telling time

¿Qué hora es? Six rounds of puzzles for practice telling time

This download will print onto Standard office mailing labels. There is a wide variety of clock times in Spanish and with numbers for students to match up. There are 6 rounds to the game, just print out the labels, stick them on colored notecards ( 1 sheet of labels for each color of notecards) and you have 5 sets of puzzles kids can use in class to race against each other. Rotate the puzzles after each round and practice telling time for 30 minutes! There is even a challenge round where clock times are given using military times. Great for practice after students have been working with telling time for a couple of days or as a review before the quiz. You can also use each deck for students to play MEMORY in small groups at tables, or as flashcard study aids for students who need extra practice. REMINDER: YOU WILL NEED TO LOAD AVERY 5160 size mailing labels to get these to print properly!
Large Group Activity: ¿Qué harías tú? Practice w Conditional and Past subjunctive

Large Group Activity: ¿Qué harías tú? Practice w Conditional and Past subjunctive

This activity is designed for a Spanish III or higher class as a warm up or practice using the conditional and past subjunctive tenses. Students each receive a question that prompts them to answer in the conditional tense. Then they interview classmates to obtain answers to their question, while answering different questions from their peers. Students record their answers on the survey sheet, and then share out the most interesting answers in large group after completing the activity. Download includes template for students to record answers with directions and a model and 34 different question using the past subjunctive and conditional tenses for you to cut apart and distribute to students. Activity takes about 20 minutes to run and as long as you want to discuss in group afterwards.
Preterite -AR verbs: Mejor que tú game

Preterite -AR verbs: Mejor que tú game

This game pits students in the room against each other with a different partner every round. Students compete to come up first with the right answer and then everyone rotates chairs after each round. Powerpoint comes with instructions for teachers and a slide of instructions for students, 7 slides of Preterite -AR verbs with CAR/GAR/ZAR Yo changers and reflexive verb examples and answers for a 28 round game. Kids bounce around the room until a winner returns to their seat winning. Great fun, no non participators and all you do is run the mouse and discuss the answers when necessary. Game takes about 30 minutes to play.
Object Pronoun Review Guide

Object Pronoun Review Guide

This handout reviews Direct, Indirect and Reflexive pronouns as well as placement of pronouns in 1 verb, multi verb and command sentences. It is a good review for students who already seen pronouns or as a notetaking outline.
Si tuvieras un tatuaje: Using the Conditional to describe your fantasy tattoo

Si tuvieras un tatuaje: Using the Conditional to describe your fantasy tattoo

Every teen seems to fantasize about getting a tattoo, some of my student already have several. This activity is designed to get kids talking about what they would get using the conditional tense. The activity can be given out as homework for the day you introduce the conditional. The fun begins when they bring the assignment back the next day. I have put kids in small groups to share them out, but even more fun is to stick the assignment under a document camera and let kids see what their classmates have drawn. This assignment works best for a level III or higher class where students have been introduced to the conditional tense. There are some guiding questions to help students think about the tattoo of their dreams.
Number Practice in Spanish: 100 problems from 0-100

Number Practice in Spanish: 100 problems from 0-100

This is a practice sheet for numbers in Spanish 0-100. They are grouped in sections of 20 (0-20, 20-40 etc) so you can assign them as students knowledge grows or altogether as extra practice or review. None of the math problems are super difficult, but they are all written out so students are forced to look at the words as they work the problems.
Powerpoint: ¿Qué ropa lleva? Practice talking about clothes people wear

Powerpoint: ¿Qué ropa lleva? Practice talking about clothes people wear

15 slide powerpoint of famous people in a wide variety of clothing. Put the slides up and have the students tell you what everyone is wearing. Good warm up for clothing and colors and to reinforce adjective agreement. Last four slides are personally directed at students to solicit responses for different weather and locations.
LA COMIDA Survey and Group interview activity

LA COMIDA Survey and Group interview activity

This activity is an easy little practice for Intro or Spanish I students who are learning fruits and vegetables + GUSTA. Students complete a survey as homework responding to their food preferences, then the following day interview classmates to discover who shares the same feelings about the foods. Practice takes 10 minutes to complete and 15 minutes to interview.
Stem Changer Verbs: O --> UE Practice and Explanation

Stem Changer Verbs: O --> UE Practice and Explanation

This two sided worksheet works well when introducing students to stem changer o --> ue (and jugar) verbs. It has an easy explanation, practice boxes for conjugation, a word bank of verbs and definition and page 2 has pictures and sentences for verb conjugation. Worksheet can be assigned as homework, extra practice or used as an intro to stem changers in class. Takes about 20 minutes to complete.


A simple lesson plan for beginning students to use expressions with GUSTAR to describe personal likes and dislikes. Directions for students step by step in Spanish and English. No rocket science here, but a great way for students to practice GUSTAR and related verbs in a differentiated way while acquiring vocabulary to describe their personal interests. Takes one class period to complete, you will need a stack of old magazines or access to the computer lab to download images. This lesson is easily adaptable to a powerpoint presentation if your students have easy access to computers.
Listening Practice: Clothing and big numbers

Listening Practice: Clothing and big numbers

A short listening practice that combines knowledge of clothing/accessory items with big numbers. Students listen as the quantities and prices are read to them and record their answers in the boxes. Practice works best with Spanish I students in their second semester as a practice for numbers up to 1000. Takes about 10 minutes to complete. Listening script is included.
¿Quién es?  Famous Person Challenge

¿Quién es? Famous Person Challenge

This simple project works best for beginning SP I students who have completed SER, TENER and Adjective agreement. Students chose a famous person and present them to the class reading their clues. Classmates try to guess the person before they reveal their choice. Presentations become game day as kids try to stump their classmates and earn points for their team. Project includes directions for completion, example for students, and rubric for grading.
Conjugation grids for Preterite Regular Verbs and CAR/GAR/ZAR

Conjugation grids for Preterite Regular Verbs and CAR/GAR/ZAR

This is a simple worksheet with conjugation boxes to get students practicing the endings for regular preterite AR verbs. On the back side, students are reminded of the spell changes required in YO forms and practice verbs that end in CAR, GAR, ZAR. This works best as homework on the day you launch preterite for the first time in a level or II class, or if you need a "quiz corrections" practice for students to prepare for a quiz or retake quiz on preterite verb conjugation.
Teacher of the Day - French

Teacher of the Day - French

This warm up works best for students who have had at least one semester of French. Student teacher of the day leads the class through a daily warm up while you take attendance and catch up absent students. A great review activity as well as practice of verb conjugations and vocabulary, the warm up can be easily increased in difficulty as the year progresses. Activity takes 5-10 minutes to complete and download includes instructions, blackline for students to complete and a sign up template to keep track of who is "in charge".
Reflexive Puzzle: La Rutina Matutina de Javier

Reflexive Puzzle: La Rutina Matutina de Javier

This puzzle consists of 16 sentences using reflexive verbs and vocabulary. The sentences are ordered randomly and students cut them apart to reorganize them sequentially and read about Javiers morning routine. This activity is good for students who have only been using the reflexive vocabulary for a few days or as a warm up before a quiz on reflexives. Activity takes 10-15 minutes to complete. Answer key is also provided.
Partner Practice Preterite Party

Partner Practice Preterite Party

This is a standard A/B partner practice that incorporates preterite verb conjugation with party vocabulary. Students ask each other about 2 different parties that happened yesterday and answer each others questions using preterite regular verbs and SER. Practice takes about 15 minutes to run in pairs. Vocabulary is provided beneath the pictures to allow students to focus on preterite verb conjugation in their answers. this practice is best suited for level II or higher practicing preterite or as a review activity for level III.
GUSTA Surverys: 2 Quick partner/group activities using GUSTAR

GUSTA Surverys: 2 Quick partner/group activities using GUSTAR

These are two quick activities to practice using GUSTAR with basic vocabulary of foods, clothing and some basic verbs. The first activity is an interview grid for students to interview peers in a large group. Students inital boxes to record their preferences. Second activity is a shopping mall survey where students record their preferences and then question a partner to compare answers. Surveys are good as a review of GUSTAR or as extra practice when introducing the concept. Best suited for lower levels (I and II)
Partner Practice: ¿Qué pasó ayer?

Partner Practice: ¿Qué pasó ayer?

This quick partner practice gets students using regular and irregular preterite verbs to share information about what they did yesterday in an out of school. Students complete their own information and then take turns sharing answers. Practice takes about 15 minutes to run and is a great review before a quiz or after learning a variety of preterite verbs. Best suited for Spanish II or higher.
PRUEBA: -ER Verbs Quiz

PRUEBA: -ER Verbs Quiz

This quiz covers conjugation of ER verbs. It contains a listening section for students to identify what subject they hear in verb endings, a conjugation box for ER verb endings, 10 short sentences to conjugate verbs, conjugated verbs where students read and convert meanings back into English and several questions in Spanish for students to answer using an ER verb. Download also contains an answer key.